Monday, October 16, 2006

5 Reasons for Project Management Failure

Change is always difficult, especially in a large organization that already has things set in stone. Even when an organization is not happy with their progress, the fear of change and the potential side effects of that change make things slow and challenging. Being agile, and implementing the methodologies of scrum will be a challenge, but a challenge worth taking on.

This original post has been altered, but we are creating new posts and can be viewed on the home page.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Changing the Mindset of an Organization

When it comes to changing any organization's mindset of altering processes and how things are done, it is difficult because of the possible side effects that could occur when the changes take place. You also have to consider the perspective that changing things takes time, which ultimately costs money. You have to defend against all of these things and make the case that the risks and cost don't outweigh the proposed agile changes.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Scrum Core Values

In any scrum team, there are a set of core values that everyone should keep in the back of their mind.

Commitment, Focus, Openness, Respect, and Courage.

    Thursday, August 31, 2006

    Eureka: The Daily Scrum

    The daily scrum standing meetings usually consist of talking about what you worked on the day before, what you plan on doing today, and what is stopping you from accomplishing your daily goals? Teams that do not run daily scrum meetings are not taking advantage of the great opportunities of communication and team atmosphere that is created by them.

    View our new posts about scrum by going back to the home page.

    Wednesday, August 23, 2006

    Agility & Discipline Made Easy

    The book "Agility and Discipline Made Easy" is a good follow up to the book "The Rational Unified Process Made Easy."

    The book provides you with the best practices for developing projects in agile in a Unified Process.

    To learn more about the agile and scrum methodology, please read some of our newer blog posts.

    Tuesday, August 22, 2006

    Set the Foundation in the Inception Phase

    Setting the foundation in the inception phase includes things like:
    • Prioritized list of features for Release 1 (at a minimum)
    • Domain model
    • Technical architecture
    • Automated build process
    • Coding guidelines
    • Version control system
    • Issue tracking system
    • Requirements management system
    • Collaborative workspace (e.g., blogs, wiki)
    Please view the homepage of our scrum blog to learn more about scrum and the scrum methodology when it directly relates to software development.

    Tuesday, August 15, 2006

    Agile & Blended Shore Projects

    In the beginning stages of any agile scrum project, there are always new metrics, things that are working, and challenges that arise when implementing these new agile scrum methodologies into your development process.

    Please view some of our newer posts about the agile scrum methodologies at our home page.

    Wednesday, July 12, 2006

    My next assignment

    Being the scrum master at your company is not something to take lightly. The idea of just taking a class or reading a few blogs and forums will prepare you for the challenges of being the leader of your agile/scrum project is not a wise one. There are many things to consider and we are going to talk about all of them.

    You can head over to Part 1 of the new scrum blog that I am going to be writing for in the years ahead.