Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Get 94 Tips for Agile Teams from the Experts

Here are 10 articles from 10 different authors that provide valuable advice for Scrum teams. These articles are in no particular order, so feel free to skim down the list and start with the ones that are most relevant to you.
  1. 10 Tips for a Great Daily Scrum Meeting by Platinum Edge – The daily Scrum meeting is a powerful tool that keeps your project moving. At the same time, it is also easy for the meetings to not bring any added value.
  2. Tips for Effective Backlog Grooming  by Charles Bradley – Are you wasting time in your Sprint Planning Meetings? Increase the value of your team’s Sprint Planning Meetings by grooming your Product Backlog.
  3. Yoda’s top 10 tips for a new Scrum Master by Nigel Steane – As a new Scrum Master, you face unfamiliar challenges and your success is very much based on your ability to utilise coaching and soft skills to gently guide your team and colleagues.
  4. Top ten tips for distributed Scrum team teleconferences By Jon Archer –  After acting as a Scrum Master for several months on a distributed team with people in six different locations, three different countries, learn ten tips to help get past those inevitable awkward silences.
  5. 10 tips for adopting Scrum to save your project by Matthew Hodgson – Are you interested in adopting Scrum for your next project? Here are 10 tips from his experience with moving a number of projects from their existing project management frameworks to Scrum.
  6. Five Tips for Impediment Resolution with Scrum by Stefan Roock – Impediments can slow down or even halt the progress of an otherwise well-functioning Scrum team. Take a look at the most common challenges that crop up on teams and what steps you can take to resolve them.
  7. 10 Tips for Succeeding with Enterprise Agile Development by Tools Journal – Many enterprises are experimenting with agile development approaches like Scrum, Kanban, Lean, and XP hoping that introducing a new development approach will help. Yet, agile development has struggled to achieve critical mass in large enterprises.
  8. 6 Tips for Good Scrum by Martin Harris – If you are doing these 6 tips, then you are doing very well and are likely to get better over time.
  9. 9 Tips for Creating a Good Sprint Backlog by Luciano Felix – Giving attention to the sprint backlog creation process is fundamental to the team’s understanding of what should be done and how to better plan during the sprint.
  10. 7 Tips for a More Effective Daily Scrum by Richard Lawrence – The main purpose of the Daily Scrum is for team members to make and follow-up on commitments to one another that work towards the team’s shared sprint commitment. Here are seven ways to get your Daily Scrum back on focus If your it has become unfocused, too long, or otherwise ineffective.
If you have any other good articles related to agile, please share them in the comments. Thanks.